
Employee data feed, delivering essential information to Wagestream for core service functionality.

Below is a table of all the fields/attributes/columns that you can supply to Wagestream on an employee. Wagestream will be able to expand further on what is required or not required during our technical scoping activities

AttributeDescriptionData Type
employee_idThis is typically the unique identifier for the employee across your many HR/WFM/Payroll systems, it's typically an employees payroll number, or similarstring
nameFriendly name for the employee e.g Daffy Duckstring (256 characters)
emailThe employees email address, should default to their personal email addressstring (email)
groupThe legal entity which, on pay day, pays this employee. If you have employees paid from different businesses within your organisation - you will need to include thisstring (256 characters)
divisionSetting this attributes allows you to identify which division, or maybe which site, or hotel, or department an employee works in.

It is generally used to segment the workforce within our employer portal
string (256 characters)
assignment_idIf an employee can work multiple positions, e.g Manager by day, but front-of-house at night. You will need to include their equivalent position, occupancy, assignment

And include 1 record per employee per assignment - e.g if an employee holds 3 assignments - you would send us 3 employee records all with different assignment_id's
string (256 characters)
pay_schedule_idA unique identifier relating to the pay schedule an employee is assigned to.

For example you may have 1 group of employees on a weekly pay-cycle,
but another on a monthly, you can use this field to tell us which pay-cycle/schedule the employee is on
string (256 characters)
start_dateThe original hire/start date for the employee (i.e. the day they joined the business). Note - for Rehires, the start date should return the Rehire date. ISO 8601 Date ex. 2021-10-12
termination_dateSynonymous with leaving date, the date the main contract or assignment for this employee ends. This information is used to off-board and un-enrol an employee in WagestreamISO 8601 Date ex. 2021-10-12
salaryGross salary amount, decimal to two decimal placesdecimal (2 decimal places)
contracted_hoursA decimal value (2 decimal places) representing the number of contracted hours for a defined period, which by default is monthly, but can be overridden using the salary_frequency column. This field is only required if you have employees on contracted hours and are using the rate fielddecimal (2 decimal places)
rateA decimal value (2 decimal places) which represents the base/default hourly rate for this employeedecimal (2 places)
bank_account_numberThe employees UK Bank primary account number which is used to receive their salary, or EU IBAN numberstring (256 characters)
bank_sort_codeThe employees UK sortcode (8 digits without the dashes representing a UK bank sortcode

or a EU BIC code

Please note we do not support UK building society roll numbers
string (256 characters)