
Enrolment starts once an employee has accepted the Terms of Use within the Wagestream app. The data model contains the following key pieces of information and is updated depending on the employees enrolment state:

  • The employee has accepted the Terms of Use and Wagestream requires the full employee data set in order to provide the service.
  • Wagestream has the full data set and has created the unique Reconciliation Account which needs to be updated in the HR System.
  • The employee has changed their personal bank account and the Reconciliation Account needs to be added back into the HR System.
  • The employee has opted out or left the business.
AttributeDescriptionData Type
employee_idThis is typically typically the unique identifier for the employee across your many HR/WFM/Payroll systems, it's typically an employees payroll number, or similarstring
bank_sort_codeThe Wagestream generated sort code, typically '040072'. This value should replace the employees bank sort code in the client systems.string
bank_account_numberThe Wagestream generated account number. This value should replace the employees bank account number in the client systems.string
bank_nameThe Wagestream generated bank name. This will read 'Wagestream' for enrolled employees.string
enrolled_onThe data the employee gets access to the service. ISO 8601 Date ex. 2021-10-12
actionAn indicator that Wagestream requires you to perform an action for this specific enrolment

NONE - indicates that no update or action is required to your systems for this enrolment

PENDING - indicates that the employee has requested to enrol in Wagestream, and we are awaiting their bank_account_number and bank_account_sortcode to be supplied to us to complete enrolment. An employee cannot enter the PENDING state unless they agree to the Terms of Service.

TO_COMPLETE - indicates we need you to update their bank account information in your systems with the provided account details from Wagestream

TO_UNENROLL - indicates that the employee is no longer eligible to participate in the Wagestream service through either:
Leaving employment
Opting out of the service
Been forcibly disabled from the service

The action to take when receiving this action in your systems is to update the Bank account information
as Wagestream would now be supplying their personal bank account information back to you.
unenrolled_onDate the employee unenrolled, or opted outISO 8601 Date ex. 2021-10-12
stateThe state of the employees enrollment in the Wagestream system.

PENDING - indicates that the employee is in the process of enrolling with Wagestream. An employee cannot enter the PENDING state unless they agree to the Terms of Service.

ENROLLED - indicates that the employee is enrolled with Wagestream

ACTIVE - an enrolled employee has paid themselves flexibly (streamed)

OPTOUT - indicates that the employee is in the process of being opted out of Wagestream, either at the employees request or due to termination of their employment

DISABLED - indicates that the employee is not longer enrolled with Wagestream
requested_onThe date and time that the employee requested to be enrolled with WagestreamISO 8601 Date ex. 2021-10-12

Enrolment will complete once the employees bank information includes their Wagestream Reconciliation Account in the Employees file.